This is NOT going to turn into one of them "OMG I just luuuuurve my kid I do"-blogs, I promise. But let's face it, there's so much bloody snow out, I'm kinda stuck at home and so is the offspring. It's inevitable that we hang out.
Otherwise this week I have rediscovered microwave popcorn (oh heck they're so much better than the stove top variety) and my little bruv went to Birmingham and brought me back Wagonwheels and Penguins and possibly the odd can of Irn-Bru. I love him now.
Also, I recently had a naughty dream (not THAT naughty, just slightly) about Benicio del Toro and am now in love with him proper.
And now: Monty Python's Life of Brian and carrot sticks dipped in sour cream. Woo hoo saturday night snowed-in-stylee.