For years now I've wanted to do a coast-to-coast of the US of A in a pickup. Or, to be more precise, in a rusty red pickup with a dog with long ears riding shotgun (head out the window, ears flowing gracefully in the wind). The soundtrack to this dream is always Simon & Garfunkel's "America".
It did get as far as the planning stage at one point, when me and FooFoo kind of semi-seriously said we'd do it, but at that point neither of us had a driving license (actually, neither of us still has one) so we never got much beyond talking about it while drunk and stuff.
Now I'm actually thinking it could happen. Once the offspring is big enough, like in three or four years, by then surely I'll be all licensed up and we may very well go off. Me and our kid. Rusty red pickup. Route 66. Cheap motels and quite possibly ganging up with some dude with an Elvis hairdo and snake hips if the timing's right. The dog will have to go though.
And we'll be listening to the only option there is for a coast-to-coast with your son; two jewish boys and a love song for a turnpike.
Backatcha. =*