Home office day again, due to sick child.
I got a little bit more than nothing done, so good going, me. Most of the day was however spent making lists over things I should be doing and then looking at the lists, pen in corner of mouth going "hmmmm...what to do first...what to do, what to do...?" and then ambling out in the kitchen to look for something high in carbs to gnaw on.
So, top five this week then. Ready? Here goes:
Download: The Cosby Show. I don't think further comments are necessary, it's a piece of comedy history. If you haven't watched it, you're a moron. Go watch it. Now. Go on, get.
Music: Been kicking it with the oldies this week. Leonard Cohen's "Don't go home with your hard-on", if a tad on the naughty side (if you're my mum or similar) is possibly the best tune ever composed. And for some reason, "Islands in the stream" makes me wanna cry in a good way, so that's been on the playlist too lately.
Books: Just finishing off Douglas Coupland's "Generation X". I've read it ages ago but didn't particularily love it. I still don't. It's shit compared to "jPod" or "Generation A". Don't read it, just go buy a Reader's Digest or something until I come back with a better tip-off.
Wine: I'm still on the cheap Bulgarian stuff. It's great and the bottle's well pretty.
Keeping-warm-trick: Double socks! It's amazingly transformed my life! I no longer arrive at the office wet-footed and mardy, oh no, all you do is wear two pairs of socks, and if the outer pair gets a bit damp you just RIP'EM OFF once you get to work and hey presto, dry feet and happy face! Hang the wet socks on the radiator to dry and then put them on again when leaving work, and you're sorted for the return trip too. Nifty!
Remember where you heard it first, people.