
Five Things You Shouldn't Miss

Film: "Bronson". Disturbing stuff about a man who's spent 30 years in prison, of which 25 in solitary confinement for various violent crimes, but who's (strangely enough, must add) never actually killed anyone. Based on a true story, as they go.

Book: "Lowboy" by John Wray, who's quickly becoming my favourite writer ever. Odd little story about a schizophrenic boy who goes missing on a mission to save the world from global warming. Wray has a way with words that really puts you inside the twisted minds of the people he writes about, and you kind of end up feeling a bit twisted yourself at the end of it.

Music: The Hickey Underworld, loud bunch of rock'n'rollers from Belgium, of all places. Check out their weird and beautiful video for "Blonde Fire".

Snack: I've snowed in on olives. Eat them by the jar, I do. And I'm such a philistine that I actually prefer the green, de-stoned once with the pimiento inside.

Workout: My brother got me hooked on them giant rubber bands. They look a bit crappy but they're actually dead efficient. I used his for about three minutes and my arms are still sore, three days later. I'm gonna have biceps like Arnie in a couple of weeks.

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