
All Things Considered.

All my flowers die. They all die, and my love affairs never last.

I don't think I've ever been content and I don't think I've ever been in love.I don't have a best friend. I don't even have a particularily close friend.

I have two brothers and three sisters and I don't know anything much about them. I couldn't tell you their favourite colour, or what food they like, or what kind of books they read. They, on the other hand, probably know even less about me.

I was married once, to a man who doesn't know my real name.

When you live your life in smoke and mirrors you end up kind of lost. Thing is though, I kind of like being lost. I kind of like it that you know nothing about me that's worth knowing.

I know all of it. I know it all. I alone know. It's all mine and you can't have it.

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