Lazy people bring the world forward.
Think about it...
Always hire a lazy person. A lazy person will always come up with a creative, energy efficient, time saving solution to any task at hand (often seconds before deadline, but still). A lazy person knows all the quick commands and keeps draft of every letter and e-mail ever sent (because they can be reused with only minor alterations, thus saving you the bother of writing the whole thing again). A lazy person knows how to delegate and is therefore not at all likely to need time off for stress-related illnesses, or any sick days at all really, since lack of stress is the best tool for maintaining a good immune defence. Also, lazy people are usually very witty and droll, not rarely in a very dry manner, which is great for general work place morale.
And I can assure you it was a lazy person who invented the wheel. "Screw this walking malarchy, I'm gonna invent a device that stops me from ever having to drag foot across terra firma again" he thought and he did, too. Probably was a fairly shit prototype to start with though, what with lazy people usually being somewhat slap-dash when it comes to execution. Slightly squarish, I reckon.
I'm a lazy person. And I'm great. Now sod this, I'm off down the boozer.
Ok... not sure if im alowd to add to this but im gona anyway!!!
ReplyDeleteLazyness... true lazynes which is what im afflicted with is when subject to thoutfulness seen in a new light!!! What i mean is that i worked out that if i do exactly the right amount of exercice that it is easyer to do every day things with less effort!
Like two people are trying to get somwhere nd theres a wall and well one of these people is a bit festavly plump! well the one whos fit can jump the wall nd the other will have to look for a way round!!! you might say why the walk? nd good question coz one neaded cakes!!! but to get back to the point! id invent somthin to help me be lazyer but i cant really be botherd or even consider tring to finance it! Id rather just jump up nd down fr a bit! coz seriosly can you imagen the amount of effort to be so fat and yet not strong enough to make a sandwich! some of these folk nead to hire a crane to get out of bed! imagen the effort! lol and the massive muscles they must have in there legs! Crap ima ranting! Love ya hunny! xx oh this is dann by the way! ;)
Hahaha! Oh babe, you may comment at any time! I love your philosophical rantings... Miss you my love, good to hear from you. xx