
Maybe It's Mr Putin Himself

Someone in Russia is reading this little blog of mine very regularly. I can tell, as I keep a close eye on my statistics.

I don't know anyone in Russia.

Who are you, russian person? I like you.


Life And Its Goodbadness

So, right now my life is goodbad, which is a word I just made up myself, and it means that it's good but it's good in a way that brings a lot of anxiety and angst and oh my world am I doing the right thing here now?

I'm in love, for starters, and I'm in love with someone who's in love with me right back or at least claims to be. And that should be just great. It is just great, but it's never that simple. My life is so complicated and so messy and I'm too complicated and too messy. Are you sure you want to be with me, I've nothing to give, Tricky said and so says I and I really mean it, won't lie and say this love is best (take a walk take a rest now taste the rest).

Also I'm moving. Leaving my cosy little flat in the middle of the ghetto for a gorgeous little farmhouse with a garden and fields all around in the middle of nowhere, which is also great, especially considering car bombs and robberies around here of late, but it's never that simple. It does also mean that I'll be stuck in the middle of a field in the middle of harsh swedish winter with snow up to my elbows and a mile to the nearest bus stop and no car. Will I cope? Will the child cope?

I'm scared of so many things right now. But I'm excited about even more. Life is goodbad. The future is bright.