
Pale runs the ghost swollen on the shore..

Seriously, Project Runway?! What were they thinking?? To pick Gretchen over April was just madness. Gretchen is boring. And she's white trash. She says "y'all" like thrice each episode, get rid of her! Lose the po' white folk, Heidi! I'm not even gonna bother haiku'ing this shit, frankly it's not worth my time.

Also, I recently quit Facebook, and for about three days thereafter I was proper hooked on Twitter and then I thought no…hang on…no more over sharing…and I quit Twitter too. So now I'm just a regular incognito person. It's nice. I feel a bit like my mum or maybe the Queen of England. I don't think she's got FB either.

Lately I've been spending a lot of time playing board games with a three year old. It's great cause he's got absolutely no trace of shame in his body; he cheats like there's no tomorrow and it kinda gives me carte blanche to do the same and I actually really enjoy being a board game anarchist.

'Sides that it's all the same, pretty much. I drink way too much red wine and read books when I should be hoovering and I recently bought this protein milkshake powder so now I rarely ever eat anything at all. Liquids rock. Being unhealthily thin rocks too.

Speaking of books, if you haven't read Tao Lin's "Richard Yates" you bloody well should. It's magical. And if you haven't downloaded Mars Volta's entire back catalogue you're a moron. Do it for chrissake you muppet! Now!

Ok, laters then.